Crocus Hill Counseling Center was co-founded by Thomas Ellis, MA, LMFT Emeritus and Gayle Sherman Crandell, MA, LPCC to provide individuals, couples, families, groups and organizations a personalized approach to counseling and consultation surrounding change and transition.
From the first meeting in the homey, warm environment, we are dedicated to a rich understanding of your emotional, physical and spiritual needs, assessing our ability to help, and together, creating a unique plan toward healing.
Co-founders Thomas Ellis and Gayle Sherman Crandell have been colleagues and dear friends since 2000. They have a shared vision for working with people facing difficult life transitions. They have been privileged to help hundreds of individuals, couples, families, groups and organizations with sensitivity, acceptance, compassion, humor and the deep belief that change is possible.
As therapists, educators, non-profit administrators, and consultants they have witnessed the miracle of survival and growth among people facing the most difficult times in their lives. From their work with people coping with loss after 9/11, the Wellstone plane crash, the 35-W bridge collapse, or war; the more private resilience after losing a spouse, child(ren), sibling, or friend; the overcoming of compassion fatigue among hospital chaplains, ER staff, Oncology nurses and social workers, Thomas and Gayle have born witness to struggle, courage and inspiration.
Contact Us
Phone: 612.356.0277
tom@crocushillcounselingcenter.comGAYLE SHERMAN CRANDELL, MA, LPCC
Phone: 612.819.0556
gayle@crocushillcounselingcenter.comJENNIFER LACROIX, MA, LMFT
Phone: 651.295.0945