Julia specializes in providing both individual and couples therapy to young and emerging adults (18-35+ years old).  Her work focuses on anxiety and stress management, communication skills, personal identity, relationship building, sexuality, life transitions, traumatic experiences, and goal setting.  She brings in an understanding of the somatic (body based) experience and the relationship between the mind and body in our health and healing.  Julia has worked in a variety of clinical settings, including six years in college mental health counseling.  Julia is a gender affirming, sex /sexuality positive, body positive provider who uses a variety of client center approaches in her work.  She has led workshops and groups on topics including healthy relationships and communication, stress management, and mindful coping strategies. 

Julia is a licensed clinical social worker, mental health therapist, and clinical supervisor.  She holds master’s degrees in both social work and holistic health studies from the University of St. Thomas and St. Catherine University (St Kates).  Julia has received additional training in Emotional Focused Therapy, Advanced Mind-Body Medicine, and Domestic and Sexual Violence Advocacy.  In addition, Julia has done research on body-based trauma and the role of mindfulness skills around traumatic healing.  She is a certified yoga instructor and Reiki practitioner. 

Julia was born in Minnesota, lived out east for her undergraduate studies and spent a year living and working abroad.  From her travels, Julia is still close with her host family in India and friends in the UK.  Julia appreciates living in MN and being able to move and enjoy the outdoors. She is a fan of being outside on her bike or up north in the BWCA.  Julia is part of a women’s kettlebell group, and loves being near water.  She is also grateful for the live music and theater scene here in the Twin Cities.